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Mother of Pearl

What is mother of pearl and is it different from a pearl? What materials is it made up of? Mother of pearl is one of nature’s most stunning pearls that come from the depths of the ocean.

What is Mother of Pearl?

Mother of pearl is technically one layer of iridescent nacre, while a pearl is formed by multiple layers of nacre. Mother of pearl forms on the inner shell layer of certain mollusks and most commonly on the inside coating of oysters shells, to keep them safe from harm.

Mother of pearl has been popular among ancient Egyptians, Greeks and romans and was used for decorative purposes. And during the Middle Ages, it was used to adorn religious objects. Chinese artisans during the Ming Dynasty were particularly interested in mother of pearl decorations, especially furniture. In the 19th century mother of pearl was popular for button making and the interiors of instruments as well as watch decorations. It was thought to bring harmony into relationships and attract riches and success.

Even today, mother of pearl is used for decoration. Although it may not be the go-to material for jewelry designers, it is one of the most sustainable materials that provides a beautiful array of colorful and sustainable jewelry.

How is it formed?

Mother of pearl has a fascinating structure. It is formed through a complicated biological process when a grain of sand or a parasite enters the mollusk’s shell. The animal responds by producing multiple layers of nacre, which is a combination of calcium carbonate and organic substances. The layers accumulate over time and form mother of pearl.

The iridescence or the rainbow hues of mother of pearl are caused by differential refraction of light waves off the aragonite layers.

How to care for mother of pearl?

Despite being an affordable option, mother of pearl still needs proper care to maintain its longevity and beauty. Make sure to follow these tips.

1. Protect from sunlight and heat: Direct sunlight, strong heat sources, and dry atmospheres can cause the surface to crack and become more susceptible to damage. Store your jewelry in a cool, dry place away from these elements.

2. Avoid contact with cosmetics and perfumes: Remove your mother of pearl jewelry before applying cosmetics, lotions, and perfumes. These substances can cause discoloration and damage to the pearls over time.

3. Keep it clean: Clean your jewelry regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt, oils, and perspiration. Use a soft cloth, chamois, or a microfiber jewelry cleaning cloth to gently wipe the surface. Avoid using harsh cleaners, strong abrasives, or alcohol, as they can damage the original color of the mother of pearl.

4. Proper storage: To prevent scratches and damage, wrap your mother of pearl jewelry in a soft cloth or place it in a silk bag before storing. Avoid hanging them to dry if they get wet, as silk can shrink when exposed to moisture.

5. Professional cleaning: If your jewelry becomes particularly dirty or requires a deep clean, it is recommended to take it to a professional jeweler or use jewelry cleaners specifically designed for mother of pearl.

Mother of pearl has had a beauty appreciated for centuries. Even though mother of pearl has lost its popularity during time, only time will show us what this luminous precious material has in store for the future; keeping in mind that this material is a finite resource and should be used responsibly. Many companies are now using alternative materials that mimic the look of mother of pearl to reduce the demand for the real thing.

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