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The Sparkling Gemstones of April, Diamonds


Diamonds are the designated birthstone of April that symbolize strength and purity for the wearer and represent eternal love. The culture surrounding diamonds dates back to biblical times and has evolved into the cherished tradition we have today. Diamonds represent love and life in Hindu mythology and was believed to inspire unbreakable love in ancient Roman culture. In 1912, The American National Association of Jewelers established diamonds as the official birthstone of April. Diamonds are cherished for their value, rarity, and hardness.

In the fourth century BCE, people gathered diamonds from the rivers and streams of India. They were highly prized gemstones among royalty and the wealthy and were traded in medieval markets in Venice. The first diamond ring was given in 1477, setting a significant trend in the following centuries. Some diamonds, like the Hope Diamond, have gone through a remarkable journey of ownership through time. The beginning of the modern diamond market was marked in the 1860’s with the discovery of them in South Africa. Finally with the establishment of De Beers Consolidated Mines, significant portion of the world’s diamond production was controlled by 1900.


Natural diamonds are formed deep in the earth under extreme pressures and are hardest substance on earth with a rating of 10 on the Mohs hardness scale meaning they can only be scratched by other diamonds. They are used in cutting tools and various industries; especially in the jewelry industry were they are highly valued for their transparency and clarity and are a favorite among high jewelry designers.

Diamonds are composed of pure carbon and have a symmetrical atomic structure that gives them exceptional durability. They have excellent thermal conductivity, which makes them feel cool to the touch. They come in a wide range of colors, with the color depending on the type of impurities present in the stone.


Aside from their visual appeal and unmatched hardness, diamonds have been associated with a variety of medicinal characteristics, including longevity, strength, beauty, and happiness. Diamonds were once thought to have the capacity to ward off the evil eye and guard against harm. They were thought to be an antidote to poison and a preventative measure against the deadly epidemics that destroyed nations.

Diamonds were particularly popular in the middle Ages and believed to have abilities to treat illnesses of the pituitary gland and the brain. It was believed that heating a diamond and placing it under one’s pillow would take out harmful poisons and improve general health.

The combination of diamonds and other stones, like amethyst, were believed to improve an individual’s balance, clarity, and energy, and produce a synergistic impact on their therapeutic abilities.

Diamonds have long been thought to promote mental clarity and attention. Wearing a diamond close to the body was thought to help remove impurities and cleanse the mind, improving cognitive performance and mental clarity. The persistent coldness of diamonds may have contributed to the belief of their potential to improve mental clarity. Also, diamonds were considered to improve general brain health by promoting balance and energy levels.

Many people still believe that diamonds have a favorable impact on their well-being, not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually.


Diamonds are durable and can be cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner or mild soap and water but caution should be taken with inclusions and treated diamonds.

Inclusions and treated diamonds should be cleaned with a lint-free cloth or a commercial jewelry cleaning solution.

Periodic cleaning and examination by a professional jeweler is advised to maintain the beauty and integrity of diamond jewelry over time.

Diamonds are prized gemstones and are commonly used in engagement rings and other jewelry. To find the perfect diamond, it is recommended to visit a trusted diamond jeweler. Taking proper care of diamonds, such as regular cleaning and avoiding harsh chemicals, helps maintain their brilliance and beauty.

Diamonds are highly durable gemstones but can still be susceptible to damage at sharp angles or if they come into contact with other diamonds. Store diamond jewelry separately to prevent scratching. Diamonds are stable against light, humidity, and most common chemicals but can be affected by extreme temperature changes. With proper care, diamond jewelry can last a lifetime or longer.

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